Watch Kevin Morse, President and CEO of Goodwill Industries of Northeast Indiana, Inc. and Randy Wolf, Vice President of Client Services on PrimeTime . This program is hosted by PBS Fort Wayne’s President/General Manager Bruce Haines.
Our Mission
Goodwill empowers and prepares people for independence through training, personal growth and work.
Our Values

─ Our History
Changing Hoosier Lives Since 1937.
The Fort Wayne Goodwill was incorporated with the Indiana Secretary of State in 1937 and opened its doors on January 3, 1938 at 112 East Columbia Street. Reverend Harley Davis of Monroeville served as the Goodwill’s business manager.
Now, years later, Harley’s spirit of helping others can be felt throughout the Goodwill community.
Goodwill provides employment, job training and other community-based programs for people with disabilities, those who lack education or job experience, and others facing employment challenges. We believe that work creates the economic energy that builds strong families and strong communities. Work helps build self-confidence, friendships and independence. Everyone deserves a chance to have those things in life. Goodwill provides that chance.