Goodwill’s Youth Pre-Employment Transition Services offers education and training for students with disabilities to promote successful transition from high school to post-secondary education (college) or employment. The program is for students ages 14-22 who have an IEP, 504 Plan, or documented barrier to employment. Goodwill is contracted by Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation to serve students in Noble, DeKalb, and Stueben counties (as well as post secondary students in Allen County).

The program prepares students to make a successful transition from school to the workforce and to achieve independence and economic self-sufficiency.

The program provides activities in these 5 key areas:

1.  Job Exploration Counseling.

  • Discussion of students’ vocational interests.
  • Review of local labor market and in-demand industries and occupations.
  • Non-traditional employment options.
  • Identification of career pathways of interest to the students.
Students learning how to check fluids, tire pressure and other basic auto maintenance
Students learning how to check fluids, tire pressure and other basic auto maintenance

2.  Work-Based Learning Experiences.

  • Apprenticeships and job shadowing.
  • Paid and non-paid internships and/or work experiences.
  • Informational interviews.
  • Volunteering.

3.  Counseling on Postsecondary Opportunities.

  • Gaining awareness of career pathways.
  • Promoting participation in postsecondary education.
  • Attending college fairs and tours.
  • Accessing services and supports from agencies that assist people with disabilities.


4.  Workplace Readiness Training.

  • Training on communication, problem-solving, and other specific social and interpersonal skills as well as independent living skills.

5.  Instruction in Self-Advocacy.

  • Training on self-awareness, disclosure of disability, and knowing individual rights and responsibilities.

These services are available to students with disabilities (ages 14-22) receiving service under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Accommodation Plan.

Maintaining equipment at the city of Butler’s maintenance department
Maintaining equipment at the city of Butler’s maintenance department